Introduction to Politics

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Simply, political science is a study about politics and power. As a student studying business and aiming to establish multiple businesses in a country, understanding political is must because knowing about accounting and business plan will do nothing if a small act and decision which politicians takes affect business plan in different ways.  Thus, understanding politics not only benefits businessman but every normal citizens who live in a country. Understanding politics typically means understanding our rights, freedom, legal & illegal act and future which particular help us to feel secured in a country.

Before studying political science, I simply understood politics as a gamble and source of easy money where lots of politicians fight for power, status and earn lots of money through corruption. Political instability, strike and frequent change of government in my country made me think politics as a BAD gamble and also hearing crowds badmouthing political leaders, fake promises from politicians, unable to provide justice to the victims, etc. made me think politics is done by spoiled people just to earn money from corruption. But after knowing what really meaning of politics, it made me realize politics is not gamble or a corruption but in reality person or politicians in my country who lacks decision making skills and see politics as a money planting tree made the term “politics” sound bad. In the end politics actually refers to taking corrective and necessary decision in a group and implementing it so that every citizen of a particular community or country can be secured.

Establishing business without knowledge of politics is not likely to flourish anytime. It’s like performing any kind of work with half knowledge. Knowledge of major subject like accounting, economics, marketing and finance are not enough to properly run any business firm. As a student before learning political science, I completely used to ignore politics as essence of business due of lack of knowledge of politics. Politics is directly related in business even before starting. Owners should study political environment before establishing it. Owners should know the fundamental rights, laws, rules and regulation related to business. As business is regarded as artificial person, it also has certain fundamental rights as normal citizens of country. There are approximately 13 to 14 fundamental rights which are directly related to business. Right to freedom, communication, information, justice, equality etc. falls under it. Tax is important factor in business. Certain amount of tax should be paid by business organization if they make profit. Those rate of taxes are also decides implemented by politics. Therefore this shows knowing politics helps in establishing and growing business further in the nation.

Politics is not only making decision required for the nation. Their duty is to implement and regulate the decision they made. As in politics, there are three types of bodies which create, implement laws and punish who tends to break the laws. Legislative body is responsible from making law and electing ministers for the country. It is also known as law making body of a nation where different politicians group together and take necessary decisions. Politicians are elected from different places of the country and they state the problems their community is facing and discuss about the solution to solve it. After taking corrective decision and passing the law, it goes to the process of implementing. Executive body helps in implementing laws and order. Executive is the office of ministers elected from legislative. They implement the rules and laws passed from legislative. Last body of politics is judiciary body which helps in punishing those who do not follow rules and regulation and tends to break the laws of country.

Therefore by learning political science, I came to know we cannot succeed in any work perform in country without proper knowledge of politics. Not only in business activity, but other normal and day to day activities also required knowledge of politics. Politics is not a subject to ignore because it gives detail information the ongoing situation of world. Politics is not a money making field but world making field. Establishing proper nation or world is in the hand of politics and politicians. There are many examples of where there affected citizens of a country due to politics. Ongoing situations of Afghanistan which had been taken over by terrorist group named Taliban is due to political reason. Politics is not only for politicians, old people and business but for every citizens of particular country because our life and future depends upon politics. Thus, if our life is depended upon politics, why shouldn’t we learn about politics?